A regular part of my teaching is through leading masterclasses and workshops in a guest artist capacity for schools, music camps, or private studios, as well as professional development for teachers.
While workshops for groups are often tailored with coordinators to best suit the needs of the students/participants, here are some common formats:
masterclasses for individuals/groups (classical, folk, and other genres)
fiddling, including accompaniment skills (like chopping)
arranging in group settings
stage presence, performance, and movement
a performance and Q&A
If you are looking for a guest artist for your private studio / masterclass / summer camp / music program, don’t hesitate to contact me!
Previous teaching engagements:
American String Teachers Association, National Conference
Continuing the Conversation, Harvard University’s Arts Ed Conference (MA)
Music Schools:
Waldron Mercy Academy (PA)
Darlington Fine Arts (PA)
The Music Workshop (PA)
The Music Center (PA)
Colleges / Universities:
Millersville University (PA)
West Chester University (PA)
Kutztown University (PA)
University of Delaware (PA)
Rowan University (NJ)
Music Camps:
Mike Block String Camp (FL)
Kenossee Lake Kitchen Party (SAS, Canada)
Flapping Fiddle School (PA)
D’Addario Educational Outreach Supervisor
D’Addario Strings 101 Clinician
Chester County Youth Orchestra Operations Manager